A Morning Ritual

A Morning Ritual

Rituals....daily routines....habits....whatever you like to call them. We all need them. It helps us get things done without thinking about them. Like your daily shot of NANA CIDER. Right?!

My first daily ritual, even before NANA CIDER, is lime & sea salt water. We are dehydrated after a night's sleep.

I keep a glass bottle of water, little jar of sea salt and a glass with a lime wedge in my bathroom. I go from bed to bathroom, squeeze the lime, sprinkle the sea salt, add water, stir and drink. This is nature's gatorade without all the additives and colors. 

This gives our bodies morning energy, cleans our gut before we have our coffee, tea or whatever we start the day with.

* salt is an important mineral that our bodies need (sodium & chloride)

* lime or lemon improves acidity levels in the stomach and stimulates the release of


Simple habits like this make a big difference in our health. Now go get that shot of NANA CIDER and start your day!

A Shot A Day is the Healthy Way!

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